A Mouthful of Cigarettes

Where is the miracle from quitting smoking?

Josie ElBiry
6 min readNov 2, 2019

The sun went down on my second full day as a non smoker. I crawled into bed, shivering, at 2 a.m. and lay my hands over my chest and crossed my feet. Tonal chants wove into my brain, and I settled under the covers for guided meditation.

I am supposed to ‘notice’ my breathing, so I drew in a long breath through the bottoms of my feet. The air was supposed to exit out of the top of my head. My bronchi spasmed midway, and I begin to cough. At this point, I realized I was boiling hot and threw off the blankets. I stared at the mean ceiling with tears globbed in the corners of my eyes.

“You are loved,” said the voice through my ear buds.

I drew my knees up and covered my face.

The Fagerstrom test is only a number

According to the Fagerstrom test, I am a number 4 - moderately addicted to nicotine. On a scale from 0 to 10, Fagerstrom gauges the intensity of nicotine addiction using a short series of questions. Some of them are simple to answer:

Do you smoke within six to thirty minutes of waking? Yes (2 points)

How many cigarettes a day do you smoke? 11–20 (1 point)



Josie ElBiry

3x Top Writer “This Happened to Me”. Creative nonfiction, short fiction and poetry. Thank you for reading.